Sign of Life

Sign of Life – the mystical sign of Grenada’s lost tribes

More than 4000 years ago, South American tribes migrated north from the Orinoco delta in small wooden boats to discover new places to settle and to live in peace. Archaeologists believe that persecution forced the tribes to leave their homeland. A northward heading Caribbean current brought them to Grenada’s shores.

Here, these migrants found a lush island where animal and plant life prospered and they decided to stay. One of the tribes – the Arawaks- founded Grenada’s first settlements and established Grenada as center of trade.

These early settlers were highly skilled craftsmen and created wonderful pottery decorated with the mystic signs of their spiritual believe systems. The most important and powerful sign was the ” Sign of Life”. The never ending circle used to signify a fulfilled life blessed with health and strength. Amazingly, the ” Sign of Life” was an universal symbol around this time used in other cultures around the world.